Predor - Release log
- Fixed an issue where the database migration would fail on some older databases at update
- Fixed an issue with the active directory login on web
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug where the username columns were missing on some exported reports
- Fixed a bug where in some cases, the shift determination algorithm would fail on days where it was previously successful
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash on a daily report.
- Added corrected arrival and leave columns
- Fixed a bug that did not show the back arrow on the day details view on the web in mobile view
- Fixed a bug that showed the qr generate button in the card query dialog
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash on the vehicle page when the filter result is empty and the license plate image should be displayed
- New event for dahua camera if for some reason the entrance cannot be opened
- Client will show the version of the server and provide a downloader link for the right version client
- Fixed a bug where a typo and non-localised text was appearing in the text of an email sent about expiring certificates..
- A new feature has been added to the software that allows passwords to be generated for users based on a predefined schema during user creation. The user can log in to both Predor Web and Predor Client with the generated password. The welcome email sent to the user initially contains the generated password, but if it is sent again, it will only include the password reset URL. The automatically generated password schema can be specified in the system settings. Macros found in the user password schema settings can be used for this. The default value for a new system is , which matches the PIN code generated for the user in the system. An example of a generated password based on a given schema: given schema: jsz_ generated password: jszLastname_XcR4 The administrator can change the uses's password through the user editor dialog, but the password cannot be viewed.
- A new feature has been added to Predor Web, allowing users to log in with a password instead of a PIN code. In the web settings, under special login settings, it is possible to specify whether employees can log in using a password or a PIN code. By default, users' passwords are set to their previously used PIN codes, which they can change on the web or in the user edit dialog. In case of a forgotten password, it is possible to request a password reset on the web.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that duplicated some columns in the automatic worktime reports
- Fixed a bug that did send the automated worktime reports in emails
- Fixed a bug that did not adjust the reader's attendance exception status to the zone's attendance exception status
- Fixed a bug that caused the same image to be captured during consecutive reads in terminals.
- Fixed duplication of columns in the excel file
- With Dahua number plate recognition you can set how long the number plate is accepted.
- Fixed a rare bug with timeprofiles, where after changin timelines in the timeprofile, the dialog could not be saved.
- Fixed crashes on patrol route
- Feature, PIN code can be used for enter on readers with pad by itself
- Fixed date time display on valid columns
- Feature, From now on the lpr can handle the Dahua cameras too
- Fixed a rare bug with timeprofiles, where after timeprofile the database could become inconsistent.
- Fixed a bug hid the menu bar on the web in safari
- New feature to generate QR codes for users
- Changed the appearance of the icon representing the saving of the license plate image based on the result of the saving
- Fixed patrol route log missing started patrols
Worktime management
- New day off report column which shows the remaining day off on that day
- Fixed a bug that showed arrival and leave correction buttons when edit is not allowed
- Fixed a bug that incorrectly validated the network connection of office terminals
- Fixed a bug, where worktime calculations failed after a worktime profile change
- Fixed a bug, where a saved report would not run immediately, even if the auto-execution is set.
- Fixed a bug that caused calculation error in worktime reports if overtime edited
- Worktime terminal firmware:
- Duplicate wifi names are filtered out when connecting.
- For office terminal, LED feedback is given for invalid or unknown cards.
- For office terminals, we have increased the speed of NFC card reading.
- The worktime terminal only uploads 3 images at a time instead of 5 to reduce the packet size.
- Fixed a bug that did not uploaded timeprofile changes
- Fixed a bug that caused the Predor client to close if we clicked the available day off dialog and the admin operator was deleted.
- Fixed a bug that slowed down the vehicle access by hikvision lpr
- Fixed the worktime profile break creation bug
- Fixed a bug that did not show the resetpin dialog on web
- Removed the tip boxes from the pages. Their information is available on the Help page and in the user manual.
- Fixed a bug that did show the users' picture on web
- Fixed a bug on day off report available days' column
- Login is no longer necessary to install Predor Lite and Predor Server
- Fixed a bug that did not allow multiple user to change their language at the same time on web
- Fixed a bug, where visitors were not exported in the desired language
Worktime management
- Added the option to worktime terminals to use server connection to open doors, after a card read on the terminal
- Change an error message on the web if the overtime interval is inverted
- Fixed a bug that did not change the calendar on personal web's My colleagues page in safari
- Fixed a bug in the PT v0.60 Terminal (metal cased terminals) firmware, that affected the card reader
- New office terminal support
- Support for the new biometric terminal
- Change, if a vehicle is in a vehicle group and a user is also added then at access we check both access privileges.
- Fixed a bug that wrongly showed the departments in the departments filter on the eventlist page.
- Guest can be added to vehicle groups.
- New access mode for vehicle access. Mixed access mode includes license plate only and user and license plate access mode and automatically applies the correct one.
- Fixed a bug, where saved filters of certificate page would not load properly
- Change, the weekly calender table has a 100 rows option on the web.
- Added a message windows, after the certificate change if the certificate type is not aktív
- We cannot add a calendar which name is Company calendar
- Fixed a bug, where numeric values in custom fields limited to 99
- Fixed a bug where certificate license would not load in a system withs subsystems.
- Fixed a visual bug on the patrol reports.
- Exceptions are available for certificate based access control.
- Door profile assignment is available from doors tab with a double click.
- From now on, an export of an evacuation will contain the sum of peple inside, and sum of people potentially inside
- In the worktime terminals menu, you can now choose not to confirm the selected activitycode.
- You can add a vehicle directly to the user.
- Reverse reading of the hikvision camera is also processed.
- The pictures of hikvision camera can be optionally saved.
- Fixed a bug, where the selection would behave irregularly after vehicle editing
- Fixed a bug with the filters on the person location page.
- Fixed a bug, where forced open settings would not upload to the countroller.
- Fixed a bug that wrote the license plate into the wrong event.
- Fixed a bug, where in rare cases the global APB violations would not result in an alert.
Worktime management
- Fixed some problems with the worktime profile page filters.
- Wifi Enterprise EAP-PEAP MSCHAPv2 authentication is now available on biometric time terminals.
- SMTP settings only available for the operators of the system owner
- Subsystems are distinguishable on the upload page.
- Fixed an issue that prevented entry after reconfiguring the controllers.
- After updating certificates, the users by certificates page is updated immediately
- Fixed an issue that always displayed that an upload is in progress.
- Deleting a custom field now affects the presence settings
- Improved the certificate types interface, now only relevant settings will be editable.
Worktime management
- A bug was fixed that caused the activity codes to be incorrectly saved the locations
- A certificate management module is available from now to manage employees certificates and licenses. It is also possible to restrict their access rights according to the certificates. For more information, contact your installer.
- It is now also possible to record individual fields for users.
- Fix a bug that did sort correctly the certifications
- Fixed an issue, where the extra priviliges of the operator group would not display correctly
- Fixed an issue, where it was possible to switch to an operator group while editing another group
- Fixed a bug, where in some cases the automatic overtime acceptance would mark worktime as overtime.
- Fixed a bug, where revoking an emergency card would not auto-upload
- Fixed a bug, where an operator with limited access should have been able to issue temporary card, but the option would not appear
- You can now have notifications about expiring certificates be sent to your email address.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that did not summarize the breaktime by code columns in the attendance report
- Added the option to override more columns on the attendance report.
- The Search page is now available in the Subsystems submenu, where you can search for all users, even by card.
- Fixed an issue that caused errors in the firmware update of the controlles.
- Venue admission module is now available for purchase. For more information, please refer to your installer.
- Fixed a bug, where the visitors could not be deleted while they had a designated escorting person.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Doors and Maps page too freeze up for several seconds.
- Changed the validation rules on the operator email input, because it rejected TLDs longer than 3 characters.
- Fixed a bug, where the system event for login was not created.
- Fixed the wording on some web options
- Fixed the tab order on the Add User dialog around names.
- Fixed a bug, where the visitor escort setting would show users from other subsystems.
- The controller settings dialog is larger now.
- Fixed a bug, where the patrol schedules would start at the wrong time. just after their creation, instead of the selected time.
- Fixed a bug with the filter reset on the vechicle activity page.
- Fixed a bug, where resetting the time profile color to default would cause a client crash.
- Ensured that the upload log and the upload widget on the dashboard is consistent.
- Fixed a bug where user import would fail when the name contained an apostrophe.
Worktime management
- We have changed the way the worktime terminal works as follows, if the employee identifies himself and we do not receive a response from the server within a short time about the working time data to be displayed, we
- will display the work code selection page, but if the data is received later, we will update the data.
- Fixed a bug, where terminal would not automatically get their default company calendar associated.
- Fixed a bug, where the attendance report would not generate the sums of certain columns at the bottom of the page.
- Fixed the wording on the continous limit information popup at the dayoff types
- Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of batch exports.
- Fixed a bug where resetting the filters on the worktime profiles by users tab would leave some filters as they were.
- Fixed a bug, where the subsystem migration failed to migrate some overtime schedules and ticket rules
- Fixed a bug with subsystem worktime profiles, where the default activity code page would work erraticly.
- Fixed a bug, where editing in a subsystem unnecessarily prevented other operators to edit their various settings.
- Escorting relation should be broken from now on if the visitor and their escort has been migrated into separate subsystems.
- Fixed a bug, where the operator import/export would fail in systems with subsystem module.
- User import/export is disabled while the subsystem migration in not fully completed.
- Fixed a bug, that caused login problems with the Lite version.
- Fixed a bug, that in some cases prevented otherwise permitted user editing for operators with limited privileges.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug, that caused crash on the worktime terminal if a user read a card.
- Subsystems are now available - handle parts of your system as separate Predor system for companies or tenants. For more information, inquire from your installer.
- Multiple company calendars are now available. Use different day settings for different controllers and worktime profiles.
- Fixed a bug where events from the controller could not be processed by Predor if two cards with the same number were in the database.
- If a card was entered into the Predor database twice with the same card number, events that occurred with that card (e.g. door opening) could not be processed. If your system has had this happen, then upgrading to the current version will create an upload with a card number to be deleted, this is part of the bug fix (you can check this in the Upload menu). If your system is affected by this bug, then perform a reset and upload on your controllers after the version upgrade. Make sure that you only perform the reset and upload once you have received all the events from the controller and uploaded the card to be deleted. Otherwise, events may be lost from the controller and the reset and upload will erase all settings and data and then reload them to the controllers.
- Fixed a bug that cut off first character of department name if it was a number
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug, that allowed the user to assign or request overtime on a locked month on the worktime web.
- Fixed a bug, that caused crash on the biometric worktime terminal if a fingerprint was not linked to any user.
- Fixed a bug, where the unlimited day-offs limit would show up as negative numbers on the reports and the web.
- Fixed a bug, where the day-off report export would ignore the status filter.
- Fixed a bug, where the day-off report would not show up, or the filters were misinterpreted.
- Fixed a bug, where the continous limit validation would incorrectly trigger in unlimited day-offs too.
- Fixed a bug, where the day-off management dialog failed to save edited data.
- Fixed a bug, which caused the days off limits to be displayed incorrectly on the worktime web.
- Change where the delete and clone tool button moved into additional buttons.
- Fixed a bug that caused crash if we want to remove a specific access group from random checking exceptions.
- Fixed a bug that the clone buttons were not available on the Time profiles and Door profiles page.
- The activities export on the event list page has received some formal adjustments.
Worktime management
- From now the biometric work time terminal accepts SIM card. (PIN must be disabled)
- From now there is an option to limit the days off requested in a continous interval.
- Change on worktime web where the current activity description changed to Pointwise activity.
- Fixed a bug related to worktime calculation when the daylight saving time switches.
- Fixed a bug that allowed double day off assign on the same day.
- Fixed a bug that not updated the worktime correction after edit.
- Fixed a bug where an old data were shown on a report.
- Fixed a bug where we could not calculate worktime.
- Fixed a bug, if a user has two worktime correction on the same day then the later created worktime correction will be used.
- Fixed a bug that allowed a guest whose validity is out of date to get access via car.
- Fixed a bug that caused crash if a restricted admin tried to open the terminal menu page.
- Fixed a bug that made the door profile deletion undoable if the the door profile was assigned to a door.
- Fixed a bug that not automatically set active the new guest if a guesttype is set.
- Fixed an issue, that caused the anonymous visitor to be created as inactive.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that caused not to load the calendar on the web if there was a deleted request approver user.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the filters to work on the defaults tab of the activity codes page.
- Fixed an issue that very rarely prevented the editing of worktime profiles in the Lite edition.
- Fixen an issue that prevented the editing of some column names on the attendance report.
- Fixen an issue that rarely prevented the usage of the worktime web, if the Session timeout was set to zero.
- The worktime settings dialog name has changed to worktime exclusions.
- Fixed a bug that could occur when using a postgresql database and the server could not start due to the new feature of the worktime shifts.
- Fixed a bug in the Phantom controller firmware that caused the reader to beep for a long time when bagcheck block was active on several cardreaders.
- Optimized the loading time of the publish card dialog.
Predor Phantom firmware updated:
- Fixed a critical bug with downloading events when the controller was offline before
- Work related access control events have been fixed
- Vehicle entry management is now available
Worktime management
- A bug has been fixed that caused that, the worktime terminals did not always display the available activity codes. Previously this could only be fixed by restarting the server.
- Fixed a bug where we did not apply one page setting on reports.
- Fixed a bug, where terminal override code changes would not affect cached worktime results.
- Fixed a bug, where the attendance report would indicate failed reporting, when level independent columns were used.
- Change where the late arrival and early leave is a violation if it exceed the tolerance time by 1 second.
- Created a new option in the worktime profile editor for automatic shift request approval.
- Restored "Yesterday" and "Today" options on the Nexon export time selection.
- Updated firmware versions.
- Fixed a bug, when the license change, didn't refresh the LicenseManager page ui.
- Fixed a label on the database selection screen in Lite version.
- Fixed some minor bugs on the patrol settings.
- Fixed a bug, which caused the placeholder of the Door Profiles to appear even if we had a valid selection.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug on the web login page where did not remained the selected login method.
- Fixed a bug, where the worktime reports would fail right after a user has been reassigned to a new worktime profile retroactively.
- The users daily activities export no longer has the user column twice.
- Fixed a bug and created an automated fix for the corrupted database state, where in rare cases a custom activity could be created with invalid end timestamp.
- Fixed a bug where saving a filter with the same name as another does not.
- Fixed a bug where the guest cannot be activated without a card.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug which caused automated report dialog to take long time to load.
- Fixed a bug, which caused the tag in the upper part of the user's daily activities report to slide above the bars visualizing the worktime.
- Fixed a server crash, that caused the server to periodically restart after a set number of hours due to worktime caching.
- Fixed an issue on worktime terminals: the device would not connect using HTTPS, even if the SSL certificate issued for the domain properly.
- From now on there is a card login option on the web.
- Fixed a bug, where saving was disabled, and remains disabled on the daily activities report, when any other report is running.
- Fixed a bug that visitor activation by toolbar button did not work if only visitor type is set.
- Fixed an issue that caused the operator groups related to a surveillance profile not to be selected in the edit dialog.
- From now the controllers will not send IP broadcast messages in case of a fire alert in new Predor systems by default. This setting can be changed in Disaster recovery submenu.
- Fixed a bug that showed the handicapped icon and infobutton duplicatly.
- Change where vehicle point entry option is hided until the phantom controller can handle it.
- Fixed a bug that allowed create departments with the same name on the same level in the department tree.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused incorrect worktime values, when the leave was rounded.
- Changes where there is a new status (skipped) for the result of e-mail log and the E-mail log page is relocated under the Attendance menu.
- Fixed a bug that send duplicate automated report emails to the administrators.
- Fixed a bug that allowed to import negative carried off days and hours.
- New functions are available in Phantom (random checking and "allow if assigned to work" in access control timeprofiles).
- Predor D4 controllers can be replaced by Phantom controllers and Phantom is available as a controller type when the serial is provided later.
- The Person location tab now shows a tooltip when hovering on the little head icon near the user's name in the table.
- Added a dialog where visitor companies can be managed at Users/Visitor settings/Manage companies.
- Fixed some localization errors.
- Fixed an issue, that caused the selectable activity codes to disappear in worktime terminals.
- Fixed a bug that did set the visitor privileges to the data which waiting for uploading.
- Fixed a bug that set in order the visitors by license plate.
- Fixed a bug that showed the unsuccessful signal input selector on random checking page in a wrong configuration.
- Fixed a bug that showed unknown error on the login page if the user tried to change language.
- Fixed an error that rarely caused the stopping of the server, when the software received terminal events.
- Fixen an issue that prevented viewing the camera snapshots on the event list.
- Fixed a bug, which allowed the user to click the rename and delete buttons on the operator groups tab when there was no group selected.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that wrongly migrated some worktimeprofile options when updating the Predor software.
- Fixed a bug that showed activity code time as a number instead of hours:minutes format in the monthly details report.
- Fixed some issues, certain summary data showed 0 instead of actual value on attendance report page and the custom headers appeared wrongly if there were multiple activity code columns.
- New functions are available in the Phantom Controller (the new access control device).
- Fixed a bug that caused some cards to be ommitted from the temporary card list.
- Fixed an issue, that prevented the correct setting of some disaster plan aux settings.
- Fixed a bug in masterlock page where access zones were disappearing.
- Fixed a bug in user import when some users could not be imported.
- Changed the selection mode from single selection to extended selection in several pages and adjusted the functionality according to the new selection.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug when a user appeared without being in the selected departments in worktime reports.
- Fix a bug that did not show the ordering options for the worktime columns.
- From now, the biometric terminals can take a photo and save GPS location for activity entry event.
- Now you can generate a QR code for guests and send it via email, so they can use it to enter doors with appropriate readers. Furthermore you can activate guests without cards, so they can enter zones using pin pad or license plate.
- Fixed a bug that caused the local APB exception settings to be unreachable.
- Fixed an bug which caused the masterlock name to be empty when canceling/exiting the name edit modal
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Permanent deletion" button on the visitors tab to stay highlighted after deleting all marked visitors.
- Fixed a bug, that caused the user deletion dialog to always say visitor even when deleting a regular user in the background task list
Worktime management
- From now on an indication spinner shows up on the attendace main menu button, when automated reporting is running in the background. More information is availabe from the Email log page at any time.
- The worktime cache settings dialogue has a more user friendly layout
- Fixed a bug that allowed to save controller without name and door without name
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the removing of day off limit corrections.
- When saving a batch export there is a more exact error message if there are colliding report names.
- The activity export from the event list can calculate an active time
- Change where the guest type filter on the events list page contains deleted guest types
- Fixed a missing translation in the card list export header
- Fixed a bug on the access page, where the wrong codes would show up
- Fixed a bug that did not select and load the first rule on the e-mail settings tab
Worktime management
- Fixed a UI bug on the daily activities export dialog
- Optimized the calendar report page
- Fixed a bug, where the tag on the report timelines would ignore the shift offset
- Fixed a bug that wrongly showed attendance report data in some cases
- Data uploading to the ACU-s has been optimalized.
- Extending the number of drag&dropable ui elements.
- Fixed a bug in login dialog where we delete error message because of language change.
- Fixed a bug that did set in status order the card list in export.
- Fixed a bug, when recycling and reassigning a card to a visitor could potentialy corrupt the database.
- Fixed a bug, where we ignored selected formats during user import.
- Fixed an issue that caused the server to crash.
- Fixed an issue that prevented logging in to the Android application.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the start of the Lite edition in rare cases.
- From now on there is guest type filter on the event list page.
- Fixed some missing translations.
- The access privileges and access map pages loading were optimized.
- The datasheets now can display the deleted objects.
- The global anti-passback works in case of network errors.
Worktime management
- Change where a messagebox warns if the repeated day offs exceeds the limit on the user calendar page.
- Change where the dialogs won't close if there is a server error on the worktime web.
- Fixed a bug in worktime profile wizard where it looked like it had rounding but not.
- Fixed a bug, that allowed assign day off on a day without worktime profile.
- Fixed a bug, that caused crash on the opening of batch export dialog.
- Fixed a bug, that made it possible to delete custom activities on a day that does not belong to them.
- Fixed a bug, that showed wrong error message when no day off was selected for deletion on worktime web.
- Fixed a bug, where point events caused to show leave event too in that moment.
- Fixed a bug, where the user was not notified with invalid label if the interval of scheduled overtime was not correct.
- Fixed a bug, where default codes were not applied with certain zone configurations.
- Fixed an issue that caused calculation errors when using a day offset and custom events.
- Fixed an issue that caused high CPU usage on the calendar report.
- Fixed an issue that prevented opening the e-mail log.
- Fixed some issues, wrongly showed day off time in hourly but the worktime profile was not hourly and vice versa.
- Furthermore from now cannot request/assign day off which interval includes more than one worktime profile.
- Replacing a device will inherit the worktime settings of the old device.
- The attendance report now properly displays the activity code times, if those columns are selected.
- The weekly calendar has been optimalized on the worktime web.
- We do not have the option to delete a report with automated report associated with it in saved reports dialog.
- Fixed an issue that caused a client crash while logging in, if it lost connection to the server.
- Change where the forgot password option in lite version is no longer present.
- Feature where more event type got infobutton about the affected access group, zone and timeprofile on monitoring table and event list table.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the server to freeze while invalidating worktime cache entries.
- From now on, the users and departments page displays the limit of users.
- Fixed a bug that allowed to type a greater number than the maximum on the scheduled overtime dialog in the duration field.
- The users tab on the worktime profiles page displays the start and end of the unassigned worktime profiles.
- From now only the relevant settings are shown for configuration in the export/import dialog.
- Fixed an issue that caused the server to sometimes freeze, when receving events from worktime terminals.
- Fixed a crash on the worktime profiles page, that occured during a page reload with no selection.
- Fixen an issue that prevented the changing of the password of operators, if the operator did not have an e-mail address. The issue was only present in the Lite edition.
- Fixed a bug where client started to reconnect even when it was unnecessary.
Worktime management
- Worktime data regarding day off times are no longer available for display on the worktime terminals.
- Change where the profile page on worktime web can be used without worktime management license.
- Clarified the accessability of the user datasheet on the user calendar tab.
- Fixed a bug where you could not assign all available shifts in new assignment dialog.
- The worktime reports no longer filter out those days, when the user was not in the selected departments.
- Optimized the worktime calculations data loading.
- The day off summary export has an option to unite the intervals of days off.
- Fixed some issues about save page state in url and page refresh on the worktime web.
- Fixed the loading of the terminal details with the default selection.
- The worktime terminals page now correctly displays the data of the first terminal, when entering the page.
- Fixed a bug where not all default activity code were shown on activity codes page.
- Fixed some issues about default activity code handling in reports.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the display of worktime data in automated reports.
- ACUs are not allowed to be deleted while uploading to any ACU
- Added the option to send a welcome e-mail for visitors and users
- Automatically enabling 'Remote open doors' when enabling 'Remote open protected doors' on the operator groups tab
- Client crash when trying to reconnect to a restarted server fixed
- Changed the icon of the "view" icon to an eye from a pencil, reserved for "edit" operations
- Changed what activity codes count in the activity export
- Fixed a problem when pinned daily reports would not open when clicked
- Delete filters button on Event List page not working properly fixed
- Editing a visitors name in Publish card dialog messed up the visitors displayname fixed
- Fixed a bug that did not change certain reader options after the door kind is changed
- Fixed a false name duplication problem with operators
- Fixed a lite edition only crash that could occur during user editing
- Fixed a ui bug on the disaster plan tab
- Fixed an error with vehicle import that would incorrectly signal quota errors
- Fixed an exception, when the user datasheet tried to navigate to the event list
- Fixed bugs with the monitoring profile editing
- Fixed some bugs that occured while importing/exporting operators
- Fixed the reset filters button on the upload history page
- Generalized the column names in export and their corresponding tables in the client
- On users' datasheet special rights widgets would appear twice fixed
- Optimized the cleanup of old movement data
- Visitors should not have conflicting e-mail adresses
Worktime management
- Added the ability to edit multiple events on the daily report
- From now, the users can request overtime on worktime web
- Attendance report summaries have a new paid holidays value and changed the related value calculations to handle this special case correctly
- Automatically accepting overtime is set as default behavior in new worktime profiles
- Balance report now handles deleted users
- Added information about the operator group handling on the batch export report
- Batch exports' default filename is not the exported report's name fixed
- Calendar report extended application's window out of scope fixed
- Change where the restdays and holidays will be skipped when user assign shift on the web
- Custom events can be added from the daily reports
- Daily report has detailed assignment info now
- Day-offs on paid holidays are handled separately, when displayed on the attendance report summary
- Feature where the user can request or assign scheduled overtime from the predor web
- Fixed a bug that did not show if the user was absent in the absent column and fixed the translation of rest day in export.
- Fixed a bug that showed the accepted button on the user daily report page before restricted edit mode
- Fixed a bug with the pending edits on the daily report
- Fixed a bug, where the acceptance of a worktime request would not show up in the audit log
- Fixed a bug, with worktime editing that could cause some unwanted leave events
- Fixed a problem with the balance overtime automatic conversion
- Fixed a reporting error with overtime violations
- Fixed auto execute for report loaded from saved filters
- Fixed discrepancies with report editing exclusion with reports opened in a separate window
- Fixed small problems with the report export: visual bugs, data passing from reports, and name collision handling
- Fixed some minor inconveniences in the workflow of the report export dialog
- Fixed the availability of revert button on the company calendar when the selection had nothing to revert
- Fixed the progress tracker on reports, that would give more than 100% progress
- From now on it is impossible to copy a day-off to users without worktime profiles
- From now on the Predor logo on the web redirects the user to the profile page
- Limited overtime rounding in balanced profiles to the cases when there is a real possibility of converted overtime to be rounded
- New report column for holidays on workday. From now on there is a column for holidays on workdays and a field for the summary of holidays on workday.
- New report columns for shifts. From now on there is columns for extra shift and for summary of worday shift and extra shift
- Optimized the worktime profile editor dialog's performance
- Pending requests would result in incorrect report workflow on daily report
- Refined the operator access to the overtime scheduling
- Report navigation and auto execute could mess up the layout of the Monthly Activities report
- Saved balance report exports are available in automated reports dialog from now
- Unified the handling of department history in the automated reports
- When losing connection towards the server, the client will try to reconnect, instead of logging out immediately.
- The worktime settings tab of the operators page has options to select the whole department tree.
- The recording rule and email notification, events got separated to user related, and NOT user related categories.
- The maximum port number of Hikvision LPR-s can be set to 65535.
- The department based operator access has been revised on the manage available day off dialog. Access to the whole year is only necessary if the employee has been in a department in a previous year.
- The built in vehicle groups now display the number of vehicles in them, on the vehicles tab.
- Operators can assign the "always open" or "always closed" door profiles if they have full access to the door profiles page, even if they do not have access to remote open doors.
- Masterlock configurations can now be created without a master.
- In the selector components the order can be changed by dragg and dropp the selected items.
- Visual errors have been fixed when manually replacing a controller.
- The vehicles tab now correctly updates when modifying the user limitations of vehicle groups.
- The type of the LPR-s are always displayed correctly on the LPR tab.
- The event list page and the visitors tab have been optimalized.
- The daily activities exports on the event list page are no longer editable by operators with restricted access.
- Several small errors have been fixed, when the operator has only restricted access to pages.
- Several export and import errors have been fixed on the manage available day off dialog.
- LPRs cannot be set to the same ports now.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the saving of operator groups for observation profiles on the person location page.
- Fixed an issue that prevented saving exports of daily activities on the event list page.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the server to crash, when editing a page for too long.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the client to stuck loading when changing servers.
- Fixed an issue that caused the recording rules tab to not save the selected event codes properly.
- Fixed a bug where you chose "all" option in a selector and it was not selecting every option.
- Fixed a bug where states was not shown correctly on card history dialog.
- Fixed a bug that showed cameras on alert without surveillance license.
- Fixed a bug that did not show the editor component when there is no selection
- Clicking next to the date time selector's down arrow changes date fixed
Worktime management
- When removing an access zone, its readers will inherit the default activity codes of the zone.
- The minimum length of the names of activity codes is now only one character.
- The information bar on the workshift calendar has been updated.
- The daily activities report provides an option to remove the custom activities of the employee, grouped by the assigner.
- The cell data on the calendar report is more readable.
- The attendance report now has an option to extend the simplified attendance setting to the future.
- If the terminal reports an event with a permanently deleted user, an event with an unknown user will be created.
- Creating a new allowance timeline is allowed to be applied for overtimes too.
- Breaks with minimal deduction now show on better fitting places when they were not used.
- A new report column has been added: overtime violation.
- The worktime web will display if the current worktime shift is calculated from the activities of the employee.
- The worktime web can now display the overtime violations if they are selected in the configuration dialog.
- From now on the responsible user can see the shift and day off request comment after it is accepted. The employee can see decision comment after the request is accepted.
- From now on shift guessing considered what shift would fit best, when multiple shifts would have the same worktime in them.
- Worktime reports opened in new windows now correctly enable/disable the ediging of other opened worktime reports.
- When updateting working days on the calendar page, the other tabs will refresh too.
- The worktime reports will correctly auto execute when navigating between pages.
- The worktime profiles page, the worktime profile editor, the basic reports page and the report export dialog have been optimalized.
- The worktime profile history now contains the deleted users too.
- The workshift calendar has been optimalized.
- The User's Calendar report executed twice in some scenarios fixed.
- The take day off dialog will not display negative numbers when going over the day off limit.
- The report batch export dialog has been reworked. The dialog contains every saved export, they can be edited, removed and new ones can be created at the same time.
- The manage available day off dialog has been optimalized.
- Opening a report from Calendar page closes previously opened reports fixed.
- Only today is bordered in Calendar report.
- Minor translate and ui fixes in Worktime profiles wizard.
- Further performance improvement to Activity Codes page.
- Fixen an issue that prevented the saving of the location restriction of activity codes.
- Fixen an issue that prevented the saving of the geolocation, when the newly assigned/requested activity was not an interval.
- Fixen an issue that enabled employees to be edited on the user calendar, even with a locked calendar.
- Fixen an issue than caused a black background on the workshift calendar if the employees calendar was locked.
- Fixed serverel interface errors on the manage day types dialog.
- Fixed event deletion bug that occured when someone added an event from web and it was deleted from client but still shown on web.
- Fixed an issue that rarely prevented the saving of masterlock and anti passback configurations.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the notification e-mails to fail.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused incorrect table size on the balance report.
- Fixed an issue that preventet the balance report to be exported.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the editing of the threshold of custom break times on the worktime profile editor.
- Fixed an issue that in rare cases caused the automatic day off conversion from to worktime balance to not apply.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an edited activity of the employees to the incorrectly hidden.
- Fixed an issue that caused error on todays worktime reports, if the employee had a scheduled overtime.
- Fixed an issue on the workshift calendar that caused the date selector to be disabled when chaning months.
- Fixed an issue on the user and workshift calendars, that sometimes caused the right click menu to not appear.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the day off limits to be calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a worktime calculation issue that occured when someone worked more than what was allowed.
- Fixed a client crash that rarely occured when locking an employees calendar.
- Fixed a bug where you can not guess shifts on work shift tab when you change month.
- Fixed a bug when the e-mail log entry displayed the e-mail log status incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug when the automated reports could fail in rare cases while sent simultaneously.
- Fix a bug that did not uncheck the "relative to normal work" option when the employee unchecks arrival rounding or leaving rounding.
- Calendar report's month selector sometimes disabled fixed.
- A few interface errors have been fixed on the manage day off types dialog.
- The worktime web has been optimalized when calculating worktime balance related values.
- The worktime web correctly displays warning icons.
- Fixed an issue that cause the worktime web to not refresh after requesting a day off.
- Fixed an issue on the worktime web, that caused the weekly calendar to sometimes reopen the details menu.
- Data handling properly handles files created with recording rules.
- Time profiles correctly use the implicit worktime shift assignments.
- The length of access zone names can be between 1 and 100 characters.
Worktime management
- Assigning overtime will create an audit log entry from now on.
- Fixed a bug when the description of an audit log entry appeared in English, in the Hungarian client.
- The "restore original values" button is correctly displayed on the daily activities report.
- The balance report gets correctly updated when the locking of a user’s calendar is updated.
- The result of editing a custom activity on the daily activities report will be calculated immediately.
- Arrival corrections can be used to alter reads on doors without proper activity codes, fixing the problems caused by missing real reads as an arrival.
- Fixed a bug that group actions dialog on the web saved custom activity instead of arrival/leave correction.
- Fixed some buttons' appearance on the web.
- More responsive real time feedback from the configuration of the zones.
- Optimizing Configure Zones dialog, and fixing some bugs in it (e.g. after sorting the table and edit a row you would save changes for the wrong row).
- Fixed a concurrency issue that could cause a problem when two clients tried to upload new visitors simultaneously.
- The monitor upload function became always available.
Worktime management
- Feature where the user can switch between tree view or without tree view in user selector on the user calendar tab.
- Calendar report collapses after moving splitter fixed.
- Fix a bug that did not colour the auto shift if there are more than one possible shift.
- Change where some dialog became scrollable in mobile view on worktime web.
- Fix a bug that did not show the current custom activity request icon on web in mobile mode.
- Fix a bug that executed the worktime report twice.
- Fixed a bug on the attendance report, where the details would not account paid holidays properly.
- Fixed a bug when some buttons had wrong tooltips on daily activities report.
- Fixed a bug where automated reports would take a long time and sometimes fail to export while manual exporting of the same report works fine.
- Fixed a bug, where in rare cases the allowance values would be calculated differently on the daily report and on the detailed reports.
- Fixed a cache problem, that occured when the paid property of a day off type that was already in use changed.
- Fixed a visual bug on the personal web, where the day off or shift request could not fit into the cell of a calendar.
- Fixed an issue on the attendance report details, when profile change during the reported timeframe caused miscalculations.
- Made some changes in the worktime profile overview, mainly visual and minor UI changes.
- Scheduled overtime is accepted even if it is outside of the accepted timeframe.
- Work on rest days, if accepted by the profile is assumed as scheduled where the profile requires scheduled overtime.
- Changed the licensing structure, please consult your license page for further information.
- With random checking option, the employee have to take a breathalyser test with the selected probalitity at the entrance or the exit. If the test is positive the employee's day is alerted or it is marked unaccounted work.
- You can now use Hikvision cameras for license plate recognition.
- An error has been fixed on parking management page, that caused duplicated vehicles and users.
- Fixed a ui layout bug on the settings page.
- Fixen an issue that rarely prevented the creation of a new operator, when there was an attempt to create it with a duplicated e-mail address.
- Fixed an error that sometimes caused a client crash in the door profile history dialog.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of a user with only one day of validity.
Worktime management
- Worktime-profile overview is now exportable to pdf.
- We can create unpaid day off type. These day off types have 0 hours of performed time.
- You can now round overtime of balanced profile.
- Performed days can be queried at reports.
- Created shortcuts to certain reports from Calendar page.
- Fixed a bug where the balance multipliers were not applied properly.
- Fixed a bug where simplified attendance was not applied correctly.
- Eliminated the need to save daily report to see the result of calendar changes while editing.
- Improved calendar report's clearity, readability.
- Requesting a custom event from the worktime web will also cause the confirmation dialog to pop up.
- The controllers' AUX relay now supports the event of the depleted entry tickets for visitors.
- Fixed an issue that rarely prevented the editing the validity of guest cards.
- Fixed a bug that did not allow select start and end date to the same day in assign door profile.
- Disaster reports now can have multiple additional e-mail addresses for notification.
- Fixed a bug, where the Person location profile was not editable and deletable.
Worktime management
- Change where the shift settings have been moved to a new stage.
- Added the option to schedule overtime beforehand, and profile settings to handle unscheduled, unaccounted overtimes. Scheduling options are configurable in the worktime profile, and available on the calendars and the reports.
- Indicator icons for the unaccounted overtime added to the calendar report and the web. The thresholds are configurable in the worktime profile.
- Added a worktime profile overview page at the end of the worktime profile editor, that summarizes the profile settings in an easy to review fashion.
- From now on attendance report settings, there is an option to mark the user as "Absent".
- From now the worktime shifts can be ordered.
- Added 2 more optional rows to the attendance report's summary: Periodic missing worktime, periodic balance.
- Fixed a bug where the scrollbar hang down into worktime report.
- Feature where the user can pair color to shift and see different shifts by color on caledar page and on reports.
- The personal web will only allow requesting or assigning day off types if the user has available limit for the given type.
- Single user worktime reports has the option to hide the department tree of the user selector.
- Worktime profiles has the option to account worktime by default on holidays.
- Feature where the operator can clone shifts.
- Change of custom activity request. From now on the users can request for current time.
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrent worktime balance values when modifying holidays.
- Fixed a bug that reloaded the manager calendar after the manager selected two users on worktime web.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused a client crash when executing the monthly details report.
- Fixed a bug that can lose original shift if the operator changes back from multiple shifts in the worktime profile editor.
- Change where the pending days off also visible next to the used, unused and available on web.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the exportation of the attendance report of deleted users.
- Fixed a bug that not converted minutes into hour when day off is hour based on web.
- Masterlock can be activated with an AUX input.
- Fixed a problem with user import regarding their e-mail addresses that caused the import to fail.
Worktime management
- Overtime and unaccounted web calendar indicators are now configurable from the worktime profiles.
- On worktime web we saved the page state in URL and when page is reloaded then the previous state is loaded.
- New columns added to detail paid and unpaid break by their respective activity code.
- Fixed a bug, where concurrent users could create contradictory calendar entries in systems with PostgreSQL database.
- Finishing the worktime profile wizard dialog is no longer available for operators who use the dialog in read-only permissions.
- Fixed a bug that not always reload request panel on worktime web.
- Fixed the user order on the my calendar view on the web.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases two administrator could edit the same worktime profile simultaneously.
- Fixed a bug that did not put the user language in the url on worktime web.
- Fixed a bug that prevented activity code changes on the daily report.
- The negative imported value for yearly day-off limit now considered as invalid.
- Fixed a bug where the execute data handling rules dialog would not open properly.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when visiting the upload history page.
- Fixed a bug that prevented automatic language recognition if one column name was incorrect in the user import file.
- When replacing a controller there is an option to find the controller manually.
Worktime management
- The weekly calendar on the work time web has been optimized.
- Requesting a custom activity on the work time web has been optimized.
- Notes given on the work time web or the daily activities report can be checked as a work time column.
- From now on, paid breaks can have 0 minutes accepted as paid. Combining this with multiple break rules can open up new break handling options, like not paying for a break unless the working time is larger than a given amount but also not sanctioning it.
- Fixed a bug in the department selection on the weekly calendar page if responsible users can see other responsible users.
- Fixed an issue that could cause restricted operators to have no access to new departments.
- Work time shift requests are now correctly displayed in the audit log.
- Fixed a bug where the work time calculations initiated from the web would not get cached properly.
- Fixed a rare report export bug, where the hide empty lines option would not work with every combination of columns.
- Fixed a localization issue on the operators tab.
- Permanent deletion button is disabled when no user is selected.
- Fixed the tab order on the operator settings dialog.
Worktime management
- Added navigation from the user calendar to the daily report by double clicking a day cell.
- Work time import now handles both , and ; separators.
- Changed where the responsible user can see other responsible users of their departments on the work time web.
- The name of the reported user will show up on the day off report.
- Changed Company name label to Company label because of consistency.
- Fixed a bug that caused arrival and leave rounding problems.
- Fixed a localization issue with the combined time with holidays report column.
- Fix a bug that created an unnecessary audit log.
- Hide empty row report export option will no longer insert unnecessary lines.
- Fixed a bug on the personal web where future comments were hidden if the user was not assigned to a shift.
- Fixed a problem where the activity counter would count activities twice that were split by a profile rule.
- Fixed a rare bug, where an operator group could not be renamed.
- On the Users and departments page the department and access group filters now affect each other properly.
Worktime management
- A new batch export type has been added: Days off summary report.
- Changed the Attendance sheet header settings options. From now all fields are optional and their names are customizable.
- Worktime import errors have more meaningful messages.
- Fixed an issue on the work shift tab, that sometimes caused a client crash if the automatic shift guessing was on.
- Exporting a work time report now correctly reports its progress.
- Fixed an issue when two clients could simultaneously assign a different day off type for the same day.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the client to lock the month of the user, when the operator had no rights.
- When the attendance is more or equal to 24 hours it would not show up properly on the reports.
- Extended the parallel day off editing by limiting the locking. Now more than one operator can add a long day off if they are not changing the same user.
- On the Defaults tab of the Activity codes submenu the work time profiles now sorted by the profiles’ names.
- Visitor types’ access privileges are editable on the access map.
- Fixed a bug where the activation, deactivation and card history was unavailable for visitors
- Fixed a bug that could cause a deadlock during data handling execution
- Fixed a potential deadlock related to the license manager
- Fixed a bug where the doors were reordered on the monitoring page, when a door state changed
- Fixed a race condition that could cause faulty anti-passback settings when edited from two clients simultaneously
Worktime management
- The audit log can be opened by operators with read access.
- The shift offset in the worktime profile has an info button with detailed instructions.
- The department based operator access now handles the Calendar, the Work time profiles and Work time reports pages separately.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the server to crash when executing an automated report, whose creator has been deleted.
- The activity codes location tab shows the enable/disable button text correctly
- The manage work time settings dialog now can be properly opened with a restricted operator.
- The "clear all activities" work time function now works properly on the current day.
- Fixed a bug concerning the visibility of user assignments based on department accessibility on user calendar
- Batch export filter did not handle the user and department list correctly when if selected time frame changed
- Fixed an issue that could cause a server crash, when deleting multiple work time profiles at the same time.
- Fixed the size of the overtime line in the worktime profile editor.
- Fixed a bug where the original overtime values did not show up during editing
- Fixed the localization in the manage recurring holidays dialog.
- Fixed an issue that could cause multiple work time profile
- activity code assignments to be created.
- Fixed a bug that wrapped the department path text in attendance report
- Texts appearing on sidebar now fills the available space in any case.
- The loading of the pages can now be correctly cancelled.
- Requested, but not approved shifts are displayed with grey text on the work time web.
- Minor ergonomic and design fixes on the work time web.
- Infobutton added to Locations and controllers selector on the e-mail settings page in order to describe how the selector works.
- Changed the 'departments' label to 'users' on the user's calendar page, because users are also listed there along with departments.
- Fixed a bug when multiple global APB config prevented the load of the Antipassback Page.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the highlighting of the upload button, even when there were no pending changes.
- The "do not show again" opction for the message box informating about the manual now works properly.
Worktime management
- The calendar tabs have the option to assign batch days off.
- The worktime profiles on the profiles page and on the balance report are now alphabetic order.
- The worktime cache will be automatically removed, when upgrading the software version.
- The worktime profile editor will display the default allocated time of the balance periods in a tooltip.
- The weekly calendar and the my colleagues menus have been optimalized on the personal web.
- Custom activities and arrival/leave corrections can now be requested from the work time web on rest days.
- Fixed an issue that caused the worktime data calculation to rarely fail in the case of night shift on a rest day.
- Fixed an issue that made the accept and decline buttons unavailable in the personal work time web, if the 'select all requests' button was used.
- Fixed a small issue in the worktime profile editor, that prevented the correct usage of fix breaks with a threshold.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the page loading to hang on the work time web.
- Fixed an issue that caused the automated details reports to miss some mandatory columns.
- Fixed an issue that caused the balance calculation to fail if the user had a manual day off limit correction.
- Fixed an issue that caused the extra shift assignments to not appear on the personal work time web.
- Fixed an issue that caused the department to not be displayed on the optional headers of the attendance report.
- Fixed the order of the batch attendance report pages.
- Fixed in issue on the calendar's work shift tab, that caused a newly assigned shift to not appear immediately.
- Fixed an issue that caused the extra shift to be guessed on rest days, when the absent correction was used.
- Fixed an issue that could cause invalid balance values when calculating on a day when time has changed due to the DST.
- Fixed an issue that caused the worktime terminal to display invalid work time data on guessed night shifts.
- Fixed an issue that did not allow the month to be changed after displaying a day's detailed view in the mobile version of the work time web.
Worktime management
- When issuing days off in the work shift calendar, days where the specified day off type is not applicable are skipped.
- The balance report will display correction cards for multiple users. The correction cards will also display if the correction comes from a balance period closing handling rule.
- The Manage available days off dialog now distinguishes between active and deleted users. When exporting or importing users, they can be identified with their employee number.
- Added an operation to clear raw activities on a day, hiding every activity from the user's daily activities report.
- Accepted arrival and leave corrections will not appear as absent on the daily activities report and they will influence the attendance report.
- Added a context menu for common calendar operations to the calendar report.
- Simplified the date and time interval formats for the pending requests on the work time web.
- New option for the work time web which regulates whether responsible users can see other responsible users of the same departments in the weekly calendar.
- Fixed a bug, where the worktime calculations used deleted calendar entries.
- Fixed an issue which caused unsuccessful automated work time reports to not be retried.
- Fixed an issue that caused the day off report to not have any day off types selectable.
- Fixed an issue which caused the My Colleagues view on the personal web to not appear if the responsible person for the department was not assigned to any departments.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user calendar tab to not save the calendar locking changes.
- Fixed a bug where user calendars of deleted users were not taken into account properly.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the duplication of default activity code assignments.
- Fixed an issue that caused work time calculation errors for users without a work time profile.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the exlusion of deleted users from the work time management, if they had duplicated e-mail addresses.
- Fixed an issue that caused the attendance report to be unable to be downloaded from the personal web.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused an error while calculating the work time balance.
- Publish card dialog no longer lists anonymous visitors.
- Emailing rule Locations changed to Locations and Controllers, now the selector includes the controllers too. [CONTROLLER] variable added to variables.
- Page loading and work time calculations are now cancelled when navigating away in the client software, so it feels more responsive.
- Fixed a bug, where visitor type maximum validity was incorrectly limited.
- Fixed an issue which caused Collecting events from controllers to be stuck at 0%.
Worktime management
- Added a context menu for common calendar operations to the users' monthly activities report.
- Days off are no longer calculated on rest days. New column is available for work time reports which only counts days off on working days.
- Users can be excluded from the time and attendance module, thus worktime reports cannot be generated for them.
- Deleted users can be hidden from worktime reports using the new worktime settings dialog, available on the calendar and worktime reports pages.
- Audit log can be opened in a new window.
- Predor work time web performance improvements.
- Predor work time web error feedbacks improved.
- Fixed a bug, where the automatic caching would cause the balance to erroneously appear to alternate between two values without any actual change in the balance.
- Fixed a bug, where the balance calculations would periodically fail after running in parallel with cache invalidation.
- Hiding activities on a day off now properly shows the symbol of the day off instead of the activity icon.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused a day off entry to be created twice, on the same day.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused some changes to not save, when copying a worktime profile.
- Fixed a bug on the Predor work time web which caused the group actions menu to sometimes not be visible.
Worktime management
- At the right side of the attendance report, the summary fields became optional. Added new checkable selector to the edit work time profile wizard report page to select the requested summary fields.
- On worktime web change where the shift name is not visible if there is accepted day off on the same day.
- Fixed an issue that prevented exporting the monthly details report.
- Fixed an issue that caused inconsistencies when reverting the daily activities report.
- On worktime web fixed a bug that only threw unknown error.
- On worktime web fixed a bug that did not show used day offs for next year in holiday panel.
- Unified the look of system settings tabs.
- More specific upload failure messages.
- After setting the aux input anywhere, it automatically set Normally open.
Worktime management
- Feature where the user can select date on my colleagues and weekly calendar web page.
- Assignment menu current status messages has been unified.
- Further performance improvement to Activity Codes page.
- Fixed a bug, where it was impossible to assign a day-off, that is not available on rest days, when there is a day-off already assigned.
- Saving shift assignments on shift requests now works as intended.
- On worktime web fix a bug where the button text was too long and the text end was not visible.
- Fixed a bug, where in some cases day offs on 31st December and 1st January were not accounted properly as while showing the day off usage in the client.
- Fixed an issue that rarely prevented the editing of worktime profiles.
- During editing user data on a Daily Activities we could change the selection that caused problems.
- Fixed a rare calculation error on worktime reports with auto execute turned on.
- Fixed a bug on the Work Shift Calendar, when a calculated shift is assigned on a rest day or day off, the day still appeared to be calculated instead of assigned until page reload.
- Fixed a bug that did not translated default worktime profiles in balance report export.
- Turning off brute force protection now releases every banned users and operators.
- Incorrect message for wrong department name fixed.
Worktime management
- From now users allowed to delete only that kind of day off types what are in the web config.
- Assigning the same worktime profile to the same time interval as before no longer cleans up the worktime shift entries.
- Break duration settings now became really convenient.
- Feature where the department names has tooltip in group actions web.
- Displaying user's core data in reports of future days.
- Saved report filters must have a unique name.
- Fixed an issue that caused the worktime terminal to display pending day off requests as active day offs.
- Fixed a bug, when the filters of the attendance report were changeable during edit.
- Unique e-mail addresses for users are now mandatory.
- In GDPR datahandling doors are selectable for movement events, so you can delete door specific events.
- Added external id field to operators.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user editor dialog to not save the LDAP and external identifier fields.
Worktime management
- Change where the boss can lock user's month only if it is allowed in the configure worktime web.
- Fixed an issue on Activity codes/Locations tab where default activity codes did not appear.
- Fix a bug that showed brute force protection error instead of unknown error on worktimeweb.
- When reloading the balance report because of an error, the report will be executed immidiately.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user calendar tab to display rejected shift requests as assigned.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user calendar and workshift tab to incorrectly display extra shifts and requested day offs.
- Custom port support for PostgreSQL databases
- An escorting user can be assigned to visitor users
- Visitor list can be filtered by name
- New filter in the visitor list: is anonymous visitor
- Simplified th process of anonymous visitor card publishing: the button is accessible directly from the bottom menu bar and the window showing the PIN code is only visible if there are doors in the system which allow PIN code based access
- Fixed an issue with editing of the patrol routes which could lead to software crash
- Custom day types dialog is now more verbose if an error is preventing the saving of the data
- Fixed some minor issues in the recurring holidays dialog
- Fixed a minor issue on the doors and maps view which allowed the camera view angles to be modified temporarily without editing mode.
Worktime management
- Changed some of the work time profile's default values
- The e-mail for shift request acceptance or denial is more informative
- Setting up the custom break rules in the work time profiles are now easier
- Improved the handling of dates in the personal calendar's repeating dialog
- Removed the 'fix arrival/leave' and 'fix day as...' options from the users' personal calendar and the work shifts calendar
- Improved work time web response times
- Multiple departments are choosable in the weekly calendar on the work time web
- Option to enable manual shift change request on the personal work time web
- Days off limits are visible for responsible users on the work time web when assessing day off requests
- Improved the handling of concurrent day off and extra shift registry
- Disabled users are not allowed to use the 'Forgotten PIN' option of the personal web
- Improved the error message for the personal work time web if assigning days off for multiple user failed
- Added extra options for the work time web configuration: overtime and unaccounted work time icons can have a threshold under which they are not displayed
- Fixed an issue when the responsible user could approve days off exceeding the limit in some cases on the work time web
- Fixed issues with the balance report
- Fixed an issue which could cause software crash if there were no day off types in the database
- An escorting user can be assigned to visitor users
- Visitor list can be filtered by name
- New button in the permanent deletion dialog: select all
Worktime management
- Autmatically detected shifts are now displayed in the User calendar too
- Option to enable manual shift change request on the personal work time web
- Balance report is now exportable
- All shift and day off data is shown on calendar like menus for a given day, when that day is about to be edited
- Display of an attention dialog when batch work time exports saved with a fixed date are about to be used as automated report
- Improvements of the 'manage available day off' dialog: deleted users are marked and can be hidden. Export and import now works with the users' employee number too.
- Improved the audit log
- Departments are now displayed in alphabet order in the work time web
- Fixed a minor visual bug for the attendance report
- Fixed an issue that prevented AUX 2 input and output from working properly if there was only one door on the controller.
- Fixed several issues on the Controller Datasheet related to AUX activation and opening datasheet of doors.
Worktime management
- Availability of the attendance sheet on the personal web is configurable
- Predor biometric mobile work time terminal, remote terminal mode
- Support for Ubuntu 20.04.
Worktime management
- More detailed configuration of the worktime web
- Department based access for operators for the work time reports
- Ability to add notes in the daily activities report
- Quick work day correction in the daily activities and user's monthly activities reports
- RAW arrival and leave times are editable in the monthly details and users' daily details reports
- Ability to assign detected shifts in the work shift calendar
- Terminals affected in a recording rule will now trigger the capturing when the user logs in rather than upon selecting an activity code
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue on the attendance report, that caused balanced columns to display "no closing" when the current period had no closing
- Custom pass-through timeframe can be defined for tripods instead of the fixed 3 seconds used till now.
Worktime management
- Fixed a problem with balance period closings when there were multiple unhandled closings. Sometimes these would not consider holidays properly and result in incorrect balance rolling.
- Fixed an issue regarding work time reports automatic execution function which could cause slowdowns and occasionally crashes of the client program.
- Fixed a bug, that allowed the operator to assign worktime profiles to users using inverted from-to dates.
- Fixed an issue regarding time limited custom breaks which caused calculation errors on some work time reports.
- From now the day reverted event from Predor personal web create an audit log entry.
- Fixed a bug in worktime balance cache if the worktime-profile has been changed.
- Fixed an issue on the daily activities report where changing the activity code did not work in some cases.
- Fixed an issue which made it impossible to assign an employee to a shift on the last day of a work time profile period.
- Fixed an issue which caused the work time terminal to be unable to display work time data if the employee had multiple declined day off requests on the given day.
- Fixed an issue which caused the work time terminal to display day off as work time data, even when the day off request has been declined or not yet been approved.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue with rolling work time balance calculations.
- Fixed an issue with work time import file path.
- Fixed an issue regarding some periodic tasks which could got stuck.
- Fixed a bug, where worktime cache deletion also deleted worktime correction in the last day of the balance period.
- Fixed an issue which caused the server to crash periodically.
- Fixed an issue regarding batch exports not using correct alphabetical order when special characters were used in names.
- Improved the automatic execution function of the work time reports.
- Fixed an issue in the daily activities report when an activity is converted to overtime.
- Fixed an issue which caused the rounding of overtime to be accounted as other overtime instead of the original overtime type.
- Fixed an issue in the work shifts calendar where a day could not be reset if the load shifts button was previously pressed.
- Fixed an issue which caused allowances to be calculated incorrectly when using shifts with the workday's end shifted towards the previous day.
- Multiple custom break rules can be defined for an activity code.
- Removed unavailable assignment report from the batch export list.
Worktime management
- The workshift calendar export now has a format selector dialog.
- There is a new option whether to overwrite holidays when repeating entries on the workshift tab.
- The duplicated payroll codes of activity codes are no longer checked, if the payroll code is empty.
- Fixed an issue which caused an incorrect value to appear at the used number of days off in the manage available day-off export.
- Fixed an issue which caused old worktime data to appear after editing the closing action of a balance period.
- Fixed a rare case, when the reader restricted leave would ignore a legitimate leave read and use a previous valid leave instead.
- Fixed a bug, when the attendance report that uses arrival to calculate a leave time, would not use the edited arrival.
- Fixed a bug related to saved reports converted into batch exports.
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect worktime shift guessing on rest days.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the client to freeze, when creating a new visitor.
Worktime management
- Several automated reports can be executed for relative period 'Yesterday' and 'Today'.
- Fixed an issue that caused the attendance report to only display the default day off time, not the corrent values.
- Fixed a bug in the balance calculations that caused rare errors when the user was reassigned between profiles during a balance period
- Fixed an issue that caused the reports to not display the overtime values, if those exceeded 24 hours. The value editor limit has also been increased to 50000 hours, on multiple worktime reports.
- Worktime reports with icons now contain the correct details about the selected day(e. g. incorrectly displaying the date as a restday, when it is a workday).
- Fixed an issue that caused differences between the worktime report and its export when using the "hide empty rows" function.
- Fixed an issue that caused the calculated allocated time to be incorrect if the user was reassigned between profiles.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that caused differences between the worktime report and its export when using the "hide emptry rows" function.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the next or previous day's events to appear as hidden activities on the daily activities report.
- Fixed an issue that rarely cause the absence column category to be missing from the column selector on the attendance report settings page of the worktime profile editor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the leave to be missing on raw level, if the worktime profile used the "Leave code or fix time if it is missing" leave handling method.
- Fixed an issue that caused the shift column to be missing from the column selector.
- Fixed an issue that in some cases could cause the leave rounding to not function properly.
Worktime management
- Job title must be less than 50 characters
- Fixed an issue that caused balance values to show up on the worktime web, even when the employee's worktime profile did not have balance.
- The summary report can now contain some non numeric columns, such as the employees department and other user data.
- Exportable reports that are not saved as batch export are once again available for automated reports.
- Fixed an issue that caused overtime corrections to be created as "other overtime types".
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect worktime rounding if there was a custom activity on the current day.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the automated report filename variables to not be substituted.
- If the work timeline group uses the "leave or fix leave if missing" leave handling, the fix time will only be applied if the user does not have a leave on that day.
- Fixed an issue that caused differences between the worktime report and its export when using the "hide empty rows" function.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the leave value to be valid on the current date, even when the employee did not have any activities.
- Fixed a client crash on the monthly details report, which could occur when using automatic execution.
- The accept worktime dialog can handle seconds from now on.
- On the daily activities report, the accept worktime options have a new option: Accepting the work on a rest day, as if the worktime profile would accept it.
- Adjusted the layout of the basics page on worktime profile editor.
- SMTP now works without authentication
- Fixed an issue with First steps widget always accepting map configurations.
- Fixed a bug that caused the email log entries to show up as successful even when sending to some of the recipients had failed
- When assigning multiple users to a department they are already in on the users and departments page, only a single message box will appear.
Worktime management
- New report column added to the violations category: Unathourized breaktime
- Breaktimes are no longer handled outside of the accepted time
- Balance periods can be reset from the balance report
- Added an option to accept overtime not only as the profile rules dicates but as any specified overtime type
- The worktime reports page has an option to import worktime data from a properly formatted CSV file.
- Day off types are now custom orderable in the web config dialog
- Logout properly close the running background processes
- Attendance report export should properly report their progress from now on
- Optimized the profile saving process, especially when there are many cached entries
- Optimized the startup operations in certain cases
- Only batch exports are available for automated export. This rule was not consistently enforced and non batch export reports caused some inconsistent results
- Errors are managed based on users during query of balance values.
- From now on, the day is marked with a warning sign if the automatic shift assignment can't find a fitting shift
- Fixed a character encoding issue in nexonbér export
- Fixed an issue that caused a client crash on the workshift tab.
- Fixed an inconsistency with the optional columns with different profile parameters
- Unclosed days should show a pending icon unless there is a day off entry in the calendar
- Fixed a bug, where some unrelated and still valid opening balance corrections were deleted when assigning a new profile
- Fixed a bug, where starting the day on a reader where there were no default code would result in calculation errors
- Fixed a bug, where activities without a default activity code on the start of the day would not show up as unaccounted on the daily report
- Manually adding a custom activity will always count as a leave, regardless of leave restriction rules
- In rare cases when a user was reassigned into a previously used profile the allocated time displayed was incorrect.
- Fixed a bug that showed some shifts outside the popup box if there were more than 4 shifts
- Fixed a bug where in some rare cases the shift guessing heuristics would guess a shift on rest days without real activity
- Fixed a bug, where certain report parameters would cause the system to ignore profile reassignment rules
- Fixed a bug related to rest day rules and missing leave handling as fix values.
- Fixed a bug on the attendance report regarding the overridden values and the extra work
- Fixed a bug where the custom break minimum values would not get saved properly
- Fixed unnecessary period discarding when the deleted period is also restored during a profile editing process
Worktime management
- A new dialog handles balance closings for multiple profiles together. It is accessible from the Worktime Profiles tab's bottom bar.
- Added attendance level columns in detailed reports and xlsx exports.
- From now on, performed time on day off will include the balance delta if the day is accepted as extra work.
- Fixed a bug in shift guessing when without an edited leave there would be no available shift, and the system would use this result despite the edit that fixes it.
- Fixed an issue caused a client crash on the worktimeshift tab, when selecting specific filters.
- Editing activities will always ignore the reader restrictions on leave and arrival.
- Fixed an issue that caused attendance report to be unable to be downloaded from the worktime web.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the balance columns on the monthly details report to be stuck in "Pending".
- Fixed an issue that caused the first and last activity columns to not show any data on the attendance report.
- Fixed an issue on the worktimeshift tab, that sometimes caused a client crash when guessing shifts.
- Fixed a bug, where the overtime corretion edits were not indicated properly on the balance report.
- Some report columns are no longer available on attendance level, because they contained misleading information.
- Detailed message appears on reports' accepted level instead of 00:00
- On worktime reports, if at least one day of one employee is not locked, that day is editable on the report. Previously if at least one day was locked, the editing was forbidden. Also fixed an issue on the balance and attendance reports, that caused locked days to be editable.
- The shift settings on the worktime profile editor has been rewamped. Now it is possible to change the settings regarding the shift(such as its name) on the worktime rules page. It became possible to navigate directly to the rules page and back from it to the basics page.
- It's now configurable which day off types and calendar entry types can be assigned or requested on the web.
- Users on the workshift tab are now displayed in the correct name order.
- Weekly calendar and my colleagues are now paginated on web.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug where modifying a balanced profile would unintentionally remove manual balance corrections.
- From now on, calling a daily report on the current day after a balance period closing should show the opening balance of the current period, not the closing balance of the last period.
- Fixed a bug where the overtime values would not show up properly on the daily activities report.
- Fixed an issue where the attendance report would erroneously sum up the days of unrelated users and attendance report ranges.
- Fixed a bug that caused that volatile balance data to be cached while accessing a daily report on an unclosed day.
- Calculation errors are displayed based on users during the query of balance values.
- Fixed an issue where the worktime profile and shift columns would not show up on the detailed reports, while using only attendance level columns.
- Fixed an issue when worktime exports contained failed cells while using attendance level columns.
- Detailed message appears on reports' accepted level instead of 00:00.
- Fixed an issue with missing leave values in relation to reader restricted leave settings.
- Fixed a minor bug on the Worktime Profiles page, that showed multi shift profiles as one shift in the table.
- Fixed an issue that caused the maximum work to calculate the breaktimes when checking for errors.
- Fixed a bug that did not show the correct icon in worktime reports.
- Updated the way day-off limit hours calculation works to accomodate profile changes with different default day-off times.
- Fixed a critical issue that prevented editing data on several pages on Windows.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug, that caused the day off report fail if the user were not in any worktime profile on some days.
- Fixed a bug, that allowed unauthorized break rules to interfere with each other when used on the same day.
- Current day calculations will use the now as leave, even when reader restrictions would block it.
- If the client is started with the --lastuser arguments, it will remember the user name of the last logged in operator.
- Fixed a bug that caused the door names in the controller datasheet to not update while it is opened.
- Fixed an issue when editing or creating a new guest type, that caused the dialog to have validation error regarding ticket options when the ticket option was not selected.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the editing rights to be lost when saving the changes take a long time.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused work shift entries to not repeat correctly on the work shift calendar, when using the repeat function.
- Fixed an issue that caused inconsistencies when creating a custom activity on the current date.
- The balance will no longer stay the same, when no shift is applicable (for example the user is absent or does not have enough hours) instead it will use the default work time of the profile as expected work and lower the balance accordingly.
- Fixed an issue that caused balance corrections to be removed when updating the work time profile.
- Fixed an issue which caused the maximal daily work time to be less than the limit by the amount of break times.
- Fixed an issue that caused extra shifts to not show up on the attendance report.
- The attendance report has new optional headers.
- Updated how day off limit hours calculation works to accommodate profile changes with different default day off times.
- Improved compatibility with iPhone Mail app when opening attached files.
- Changing a door's profile now requires full access to the door profiles page.
- Fix a bug that did not sort correctly the users' name when we exported, if there were accented letters in the their name.
Worktime management
- On the users daily activities report the converted overtime values are no longer editable. These values can be edited on the balance report.
- Fixed a bug that caused calculation errors on work time reports when executing for multiple users on a bigger span of time.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the server to crash when creating a new work time profile.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash on the attendance and daily activities report when an operator with read only privileges checked an employee in a balanced profile.
- Fixed an issue that caused problems on the calendar when repeating entries if the number of days were different in the target and source month.
- Fixed an issue that caused the balance to be rounded by the overtime rounding settings on rest days.
- Fixed an issue that caused the work time rounding to not round up exactly at the rounding threshold.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused custom activities to not show up on the user's daily activities report.
- Fixed a graphical bug on the personal web where incorrect icon was displayed for future day off requests.
- The work time menu users tab now correctly updates when a work time profile is deleted or created.
- Fixed an issue that caused the calendar of deleted users to be unable to be locked.
- The personal web now can show the total work time, total unaccounted time and balance change in the interval values.
- The attendance report now contains the time of the days off if the work time profile has hourly absence accounting.
- Change where the custom activity interval, comment and date with time are in the e-mail.
- Minor ergonomic changes on the Attendance Report tab.
- Fixed an issue that allowed unused cards to be enqueued for uploading.
- AUX relay support for global headcount limit
- The Access groups page will reload now, if a department is changed or a user is moved into or out of it.
- The Access map page now correctly reloads the filters.
- The Activities tab now reloads if a location is created or deleted.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug that did not calculate the completed days for work time profile interval.
- Fixed an issue that caused the violations on the user daily activities report to show incorrect values when reverting them.
- Fixed an issue that caused the department and department payroll code columns having empty values on the attendance report.
- Assigning an employee to a work time profile now correctly cleans up the work time cache. This could have caused incorrect balance values on the reports.
- Assigning an employee to a work time profile now correctly cleans up the extra work time shift assignments in the given time interval.
- Fixed an issue that caused wrong arrival and leave values on the current date.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the generating and exporting of the attendance report.
- Fixed an issue on the work shift tab, that caused the failure of the copying of calendar entries, when the target employee had a work time profile assignment to the same profile.
- Fixed an issue on the user daily activities report, that prevented the usage of the "Accept as..." functions, after accepting a work time activity once.
- Fixed a bug when adding a custom activity with the built in leave code did not show up properly on the daily report, when the user had no card reads, but edited the arrival and the leave to register work on that day.
- The export of the shift calendar now contains the rest days too.
- On the user daily activities report, selecting the "Restore original values" option now creates an entry for the audit log.
- There are now report columns for the balance delta, work time and unaccounted time in the selected time period. These values show up on the balance report too.
- Enforcement of manual activity code entering depends only on its settings and not on default activity codes.
- The colliding entries dialog now contains the extra work time shifts too.
- In new work time profile the default work time and day off time is 8 hours.
- Better indication for arrival and leave rounding when the rounding hides real activities
- Fixed a rare bug where a newly added map did not show up on the Doors and maps page as a new tab
- Fixed a bug, where the card searches won't show cards when using 6h8d card format
- Fixed a bug in controller editor that allowed inconsistent settings for readers with keyboards
- Fixed a bug that did not set the user's gender when we imported the user's data from an XLSX file
Worktime management
- Fixed a client crash during the editing process on the monthly details report
- Fix a bug that denied the access when a time profile with 'Assigned to work' option is being used, and the user had an extraordinary shift
- Email log now displays the target time of the sending, not just the date
- From now on arrival and leave restrictions can use deleted terminals and readers, so they can be evaluated on previous dates as they were before their deletion.
- Fixed an issue that caused the users daily activities report to not recognize that it has custom activities.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Base balance delta" reportcolumn to show wrong data if the user's work was accepted as balance with a multiplier.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the update of the user's daily activities report, when a custom activity's activity code was edited.
- Adding zero second edited activities is no longer valid on the User daily activities report
- Fixed an issue that caused the automated report dialog to use up too much CPU power when trying to access a folder without rights to write. (Windows only)
- Accepting a custom activity as overtime no longer hides the potential leave activity at its end
- Fixed an issue that caused the custom activities with an overtime category to be unable to be edited on the daily activities report.
- Company calendar displays the name and the icon of the recurring holiday properly during editing
- If a user is in a balance period without closing, that period's allocated time will be undefined.
- Changed the way fix break deduction works on days when maximum work time is reached. The fix deduction will come off from the maximum work time
- Resending an automated e-mail now has a warning, if the work time data snapshot is missing.
- The balance report now correctly shows which corrections were reverted, when reverting all of the work time corrections.
- Fixed an issue that caused a newly created day type to be considered as a workday, if an already existing day type was deleted previously.
- Fixed a bug that caused a fix leave to show up on reports without a valid arrival
- Fixed a bug, when the user was shown as if a shift were applicable on a day, that hasn't had any activities, while using dynamic shifts and a shift offset
- Fixed a bug, where the last activity on web were not the same as the last activity in the client and in exports
- Users not assigned in departments can see each other as colleagues on the web
- Added placeholders on the web, when no colleagues are available to display
- Fixed a bug where the attendance report export request from the web caused server malfunction
- SSL certificate errors (self-signed certificate or other errors) can be chosen to be ignored in the SMTP (e-mail) settings.
- Unknown card events can be suppressed in the Controller editor wizard per reader.
Worktime management
- Day delimiter (ending time of days) for shifts is more flexible: it can now be moved towards the previous day too, and can be set to any time.
- Allowance handling has been modified: multiple allowance types can be handled at the same time. Every timeline can have restrictions on what shifts they are applied to, and whether they are eligible on normal work time, overtime or breaks.
- New allowance type: "Daily allowance". This type of allowance is assigned to the whole workday while following the shift's day delimiter setting.
- Profiles with balance handling can be configured to always keep a specific amount of balance before converting the extra as overtime or day off.
- In profiles with balance handling if an employee changes work time profiles within a period, the balance resumes correctly on reassignment. In the balance report, balance changes are displayed for each profile.
- Implemented an audit log in the daily activities report which lists the work time corrections for the selected employee and date.
- Work time can be locked each month by responsible users on the Personal Web or by administrators in the software. Once a month has been locked it can only be unlocked by an administrator.
- Batch exports of Monthly details and Users' daily details reports can be configured to be exported into a single Excel sheet, grouped and displayed under each other.
- New exportable columns are available in the Monthly details, Users' daily details and Users summary reports: "Time spent outside" and "Activity code count". Time spent outside sums up the time spent with using "Leave" activity code between arrival and the last Leave activity. Activity code count displays the number of times the employee used the selected activity code.
- Simplified attendance sheet has been expanded with the following functions: real or fixed values can be selected for each shift individually, and in case of fixed values an additional fixed amount of allowance or overtime can be assigned. Furthermore time spent with certain activities can be set too.
- Column headers in the attendance sheet are now customizable.
- Automated reports have a new option to keep or overwrite already existing reports.
- On Personal Web the manager calendar has been enhanced with the option to register activities and comments or make corrections about arrival and leaving directly. Comments can also be seen by the employee if needed.
- On Personal Web the calendar has been enhanced with the option to display icons indicating work time violations and overtimes just like in the work time reports in the software.
- On Personal Web attendance sheets are downloadable as pdf documents directly.
- On Personal Web work time data to be displayed on the side pane optionally is expanded by: Core time violation, Early leave, Late arrival, Minimal work time violation, Unaccounted time, Rolling unaccounted time, Unauthorized break
- Fixed an issue that prevented the changing of the direction of doors.
Worktime management
- Fixed a bug, which occurred in PostgreSQL database only. The bug prevented the batch export if department was selected.
- When importing users, if the PIN code is missing, it will be generated randomly. Department names can now contain special characters.
Worktime management
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the web, accessing corrupted balance data cache.
- Fixed a bug when worktime calculations discarded all but one of multiple card reads registered within the same second.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect migration of the leave handling when upgrading to version 1.3.2.
- Renamed the first and last activity report columns to first and last read. Fixed an issue that prevented the exporting of these columns.
- Negative worktime values are no longer possible on the Attendance report, all potentially negative values are displayed as zeros.
- New controller firmware: 1.3.2
- 'Open too long' now supports bi-directional doors properly.
Worktime management
- Fixed an issue that caused zeroing the opening and rolled over balance on the balance report.
- Fixed an issue in the performed worktime accumulation.
- Fixed a bug, where the closing calculations of a balance period ignored the work on the last day of the period, in case the reports were executed on the closing day.
Worktime management
- Simplified attandance report will not deduct breaks if the option is not selected.
- Fixed a bug where the monthly and other rare automated reports were automatically rescheduled to the next date, instead of the next month.
- Activity code page optimization.
- Fixed a bug that caused registration of some events without an activity code (therefore the previous activity continued) due to default activity code mismatch.
- Empty departments are now hidden in the user selectors.
- Fixed a rear issue that caused data corruption upon creating anonymous visitors with the same card number
- Double clicking in the top left corner of the access maps table will resize the columns.
Worktime management
- Saved reports now correctly load the departments.
- The user selector on the "Manage available day off" dialog now contains the departments.
- Fixed a balance caching issue that caused problems with the performed times.
- Fixed a problem where profile changes carried over balance from periods evaluated by the wrong profile, causing invalid rolled balance values.
- Added a button to clear the rolled balances of the selected users on the balance report.
- On the Personal Web, responsible people can now assign day-offs for the past regardless the 'can be requested in past' option.
- Entity selectors are now resizable.
Worktime management
- Added a button to clear the rolled balances on the selected users on the balance report.
- Paid breaktimes converted to unaccounted activities (due to worktime and overtime rounding) are no longer considered unpaid breaks.
- Fixed a bug that caused a failed export while using "hide empty lines" feature.
- Department name tooltip added on Personal Web
- Season ticket handling: a new function for visitor handling which requires an additional license. With season tickets the number of permittable access through specified doors can be limited. After depleting the allocated number of accesses the card is no longer valid until manual reissuing. This license also increases the maximal number of visitors to 5000 and their maximal period of validity to 3 months.
- Password cracking protection for the worktime web and software login: after more than 5 consecutive failed login attempts the login is disabled for an hour for that particular user or operator.
- Built-in buzzers of the card readers can now be optionally activated in case of a forced open or too long open event.
Worktime management
- Flexible worktime profiles have new options and settings:
- Balance can be handled with different multipliers for weekdays and rest days.
- Optional overtime handling
- New automatic balance period closing actions are available. Balance at the end of the period can automatically be converted to overtime or extra day offs, further remaining balance can be either discarded or rolled over to the next period.
- Balance periods can be closed at any time manually regardless of the automatic closing dates.
- New report: Balance report: displays the balance changes of the selected users or departments for a balance period. The automatic closing actions can be overridden each cycle if needed. Further extra day offs or overtimes can be issued individually for the subjects of the report.
- New report: Day offs report: lists the used and requested day offs for an employee in a year or chosen period. The following details are available in this report: date, type, yearly limit and remaining number of the day offs.
- Department assignment with validity: By editing a user's department assignment, in the department history menu, the validity of the assignment can be set to a specific date. Worktime reports generated for departments use this timetable and therefore will show the correct results.
- Hour based day off handling: day offs can be handled in hours rather than in days optionally. Day offs and each shift must have an assigned value in hours in this case respectively.
- Optional worktime rules for rest days: Simplified rules are now available for regulating worktime on rest days, similar to the normal worktime rules: for example the start and end time of the accepted timeframe, maximal accepted workhours and so on can be defined.
- Configuration changes of the attendance report: The data to be displayed on attendance reports are now fully customizable for each worktime profile on the editor's last page. Options range from the actual movement based data to fully static, pre-defined arrival and leaving times with configurable conditions regarding the accepted length of the actual working hours.
- Worktime-profile based automatic activity code registration: Different activity codes can be assigned to each worktime profile on readers, thus different paid or unpaid activities are registered to the users automatically when they present their identifiers.
- Grouping of calendar entries:
- Calendar entries have been organized into the following groups: Workday overrides, Shift assignments, Day offs.
- Any day can be tagged with these groups simultaneously, so for example a day can be marked with a shift assignment and a day off concurrently. The software uses the following priority order to determine the type of a day tagged with multiple groups: Day off (highest), Rest day, Shift assignment, Workday.
- Worktime shifts can be marked, that they can only be assigned manually.
- Weekly calendar in the Worktime web: responsible users of departments have a new menu where a multi-week calendar is displayed of their subordinates. Shift assignments and day offs can be reviewed quickly and conveniently here even on the go.
- Responsible users of departments are no longer restricted by the worktime web settings when registering group actions - any activity codes can be used. Limitation of the registrable custom acitivities is now only enforced in the "My calendar" menu.